Poultry and Rabbits
Superintendents - Richard Mueller and Tamara Turner
A) The pullorum blood test will be provided by the Carter County Free Fair.
B) Poultry and Rabbits will be supplied food and water.
C) All birds will be judged according to the New American Standard of Perfection.
D) Standard breeds of chickens will be judged separately from bantam breeds.
E) Chickens may be entered as singles, pairs, or trios.
F) A separate breed class will be made if there are three or more of the same breed entered in all other breeds.
G) Adults and Youth will be judged separately.
PEE WEE - 8 Years and Under
BEGINNER – 9 Years – 11 Years
JUNIOR – 12 Years – 14 years
SENIOR – 15 Years and Over
Chickens will be shown as singles.
CLASSIFICATIONS: Classes in each variety will be Cock/Cockerel and Hen/Pullets.
COCK– A male 12 months or older,
COCKEREL– A male under 12 months
HEN– A female 12 months or older,
PULLET – A female under 12 months
AMERICAN BREEDS: Buckeye, Chanticleers, Delaware’s, Dominique’s, Holland’s, Java’s, Giants, Lamina’s, Hampshire’s, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and
01. American Breed Cock/Cockerel
02. American Breed Hen/Pullet
ASIATIC BREEDS: Brahma’s, Cochin’s, & Langshan’s
03. Asiatic Breed Cock/Cockerel
04. Asiatic Breed Hen/Pullet
ENGLISH BREEDS: Australorp’s, Cornish’s, Dorking’s, Orpington’s, Red Caps, and Sussex’s
05. English Breed Cock/Cockerel
06. English Breed Hen/Pullet
MEDITERRANEAN BREEDS: Ancoma’, Andalusian’s, Catalana’s, Leghorn’s, Minorca’s, Spanish’s
07. Mediterranean Breed Cock/Cockerel
08. Mediterranean Breed Hen/Pullet
CONTINENTAL BREEDS: Campnin’s, Hamburg’s, Lakenvelder, Polish’s, Houdan’s
09. Continental Breed Cock/Cockerel
10. Continental Breed Hen/Pullet
ALL OTHER BREEDS: Games – Modern’s, Old English, Oriental’s, Malays, Sumatras,Aseels, Shamos
11. AOB Cock/Cockerel
12. AOB Hen/Pullet
MODERN GAME BANTAMS– Burchen, Black, Black-Breasted, Blue, Blue-Breasted, Brown/Red, Golden Duckwings, Lemon Blue, Red Pyle, Silver Duckwing, Wheaten, and White Moderns
13. Modern Game Cock/Cockerel
14. Modern Game Hen/Pullet
OLD ENGLISH GAME BANTAMS– Birchen, Black, Black-Breasted, Blue, Blue-Breasted, Blue Golden Duckwing, Blue Silver Duckwing, Brown-Red, crele, cuckoo, Ginger Red, Golden Duckwing, Lemon Blue, Red Pyle, Self Blue, Silver Duckwing, Spangled, Wheaten, White, and Brassy Back Old English’s
15. Old English Game Cock/Cockerel
16. Old English Game Hen/Pullet
SINGLE-COMB, CLEAN-LEGGED, OTHER THAN GAME BANTAMS– Ancoma, Andalusian, Australorp, Campnine, Catalana, Delaware, Dorking, Dutch, Frizzle, Holland, Japanese, Java, Jersey Giant, Lakenvelder, Lamona, Leghorn, Minorca, Naked Neck New Hampshire, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red’s, and Sussex
17. Single Comb, Clean Legged Cock/Cockerel
18. Single Comb, Clean Legged Hen/Pullet
ROSE-COMB, CLEAN-LEGGED BANTAM– Ancoma’s, Belgian’s, Dominique’s, Dorking, Hamburg’s, Leghorn’s, Minorca’s, Redcap’s, Rhode Island Red’s, Rose Comb’s, Sebright’s, and Wyandotte’s
19. Rose-Comb, Clean-Legged Cock/Cockerel
20. Rose-Comb, Clean-Legged Hen/Pullet
ALL OTHER COMBS, CLEAN-LEGGED BANTAMS– Ameraucana’s, Araucana’s, Buckeye’s, Chanticleer’s, Cornish’s, Crevecoeru, Cubaloya’s, Houdan’s, Malay, Polish’s, Shamo’s,
and Yokohama’s
21. All Other Comb, Clean Legged Cock/Cockerel
22. All Other Comb, Clean Legged Hen/Pullet
FEATHER-LEGGED BANTAMS– Booted, Brahma’s, Cochin’s, Faverolle’s, Frizzle’s Langshan’s, Silkie’s, and Sultan’s
23. Feather Legged Cock/Cockerel
24. Feather Legged Hen/Pullet
25. Heavy Class Ducks; Aylesbury, Muscovy, Pekin, Rouen
26. Medium Class Ducks; Buff, Cayuga, Crested, Swedish
27. Light Class Ducks; Campbell, Magpie’s, Runner’s
28. Bantam Class Ducks; Call, East India, Mallard, Mandarin, and Wood Ducks
29. Heavy Class Geese – African, Embden, Toulouse’s
30. Medium Class Geese – Buff, Pilgrim, Sebastopol, and Pomeranian’s
31. Light Class Geese – Eastern Canada (Common), Chinese, Egyptian, White Tufted Roman
32. Turkey
33. Pigeons, Clean Leg Fancy
34. Pigeons, Feather Leg Fancy
35. Pigeons, Utility
36. Pigeons, Common
37. Pigeons, Extra Fancy
Premiums for Poultry will be as follows;
1st - $2.00; 2nd - $1.75; 3rd - $1.50; 4th - $1.25; 5th - $1.0
A) Classes will be determined by age and breed.
B) Senior Class – any rabbit over 6 months of age.
C) Junior Class – any rabbit less than 6 months of age.
D) All recognized ARBA Breeds – Must be 3 or more of one breed to make a class for that breed. If there are not three or more of a breed, they will be placed in All Other Breeds.
E) ARBA Breeds; American Fuzzy Lops, Angora-English, Britannia Petite, Champagne D’Argent, Californian, Checkered Giant, Standard Chin, Dutch, English Spot, Flemish Giant, Himalayan, Florida White, Havana, Jersey Wooly, Lops, Holland Lop, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf, Rex, Satin, Silver Marten, New Zealand, Palomino, Polish, and Rex.
Breeds will then be divided into following classes:
01. Junior Buck
02. Senior Buck
03. Junior Doe
04. Senior Doe
05. Junior Buck
06. Senior Buck
07. Junior Doe
08. Senior Doe
Premiums for Rabbits will be as follows;
1st - $2.00; 2nd - $1.75; 3rd - $1.50; 4th - $1.25; 5th - $1.00